...is the process by which we create, discover, learn and grow with those we cherish most.


the magic of christmas: is giving

Celebrating the holidays for us began with teaching our kids about our traditions - and one that I am very fond of, is giving to our loved ones - especially in the form of handmade. I still have the scarf I started knitting for Aaron 9 years ago {and yes, I plan to finish it one day...} - but to simplify and encourage the kids to make their gifts, we bought wooden projects ready for us to embellish with our own touches. Ava picked out a wooden train for Noah {his favorite toy}, and while he was napping, the 2 of us started elving in the art room...



It wasn't easy for Ava to finish - the intricate details were hard to get to with the small paintbrush it came with. Still - with words of encouragement, she found herself liking the project and thought that her paint job wasn't too messy. Aaron and I helped with the stickers - and in less than one hour, she had his present done!


It was the first present under our Christmas tree this year - and I'll never forget this moment with her.  While she placed her gift under the tree - she felt so proud and excited to be a part of the holiday "magic" of giving.... and I couldn't be more proud of her...



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