...is the process by which we create, discover, learn and grow with those we cherish most.


happy mother's day

Since being online for the past few months - I have found myself constantly in awe of the power of the Internet. More recently, I have joined the Flickr family of photographers, and let me tell you - it is quite a feeling receiving a view or comment or email from someone, somewhere, on the other side of the world I have never met, about a moment in my life that resonates with them. And then I receive this in my inbox:

I don't know you personally, but I am sending this message to all the mothers that I met here in flickr, who encourage and inspire me every day without knowing it, and that somehow admire, for their work, their loving parenting, and their creativity. Julie Alvarez

And that's exactly how I feel about you - my reader, who I appreciate for commenting, calling, and letting me know what they mean to you and how they have encouraged you to do something different today. It honestly - makes me speechless. So I'll keep drinking this coffee in my new mug Aaron got me - in honor of being a Mama to Ava & Noah.. and celebrating this blog - that means so very much to me - thank you!


  1. ...and on behalf of your reader (those of us on the other side of your monitor looking in) thank you for sharing your stories with us. I know many of them have left me speechless and I can say with certainty that they have done the same for your audience as well.

    And for all the mothers that happen to read this comment, on behalf of all on mothers- thanks for all you do. I joked that I have experienced motherhood a little on days I stay take off, work from home, or even just on the weekends and after 1 day, I feel like I could use a vacation. To do what you all do non-stop is just amazing.


  2. Cool Mug! what a thoughtful gift!
    KERA gives out mugs to its members - so can your readers order one?

  3. Ah yes. At the 100 comment level, [that is, if you post 100 comments here on this blog] you will get your very own white mug personalized with the Art of Family banner. And at the 500 comment level - you will not only get the white mug, but a stainless steel travel mug with the same image for your car. [I got one of those too ;]

    Can life get better than this? Get busy! Spread the word and tell everyone to speak up here on the this family blog!



Thanks for sharing - I will respond to your comment here as well so check back! xo


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