...is the process by which we create, discover, learn and grow with those we cherish most.


wow - thank you!

I posted a new story late last night [see Tuesday's post below] and wanted to take a quick moment this morning to start the day and say, ahem... thank you. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life who support, praise, and encourage me to keep doing what I do.

The art of family encompasses every moment - whether it's a personal "aha" moment for myself, a turning point in my marriage or an event with the kids. All of them make up bigger moments, lessons if you will - and having the opportunity to share my experiences [or "transitions in life"] and talk about them out loud here - to bounce ideas and learn from others - is truly incredible.

Monday night was the "official" launch of my blog and I was so touched by the overwhelming responses on Tuesday [you know who you are]. I wasn't expecting to read emails of how much you appreciated the stories and photos... and (gasp) how this has been an inspiration for you. That alone makes me feel like I've already achieved what I set out to do - and can't put into words how that makes me feel as a mother and an aspiring writer!

With all my heart - thank you!

...and if you all don't mind, I'd like to start this morning off with some of the comments I received in emails yesterday that gave me fuzzies all over. For one friend and I, it opened up a dialogue on the anticipation of raising our kids who have parents practicing 2 different faiths - wow. This is exactly what I hoped for - All of the emails are a testament as to why I put this blog together - thank you, thank you, thank you!!

"I have spent most of this morning since the kids left for school reading your blog. I almost felt like I was there with you guys, through each experience...I love the title ...The Art Of family. I would definitely be waiting to read more in days to come about your daily experiences and activities."

"What a wonderful blog!! You made me smile on this horrible day that I'm having so I am eternally grateful."

"What a gift you have. It made me warm all over to read the blog and look at the pictures. I don't know what I expected, but it was so much more."

"I LOVE IT! the pics are beautiful- can't wait to get back on and keep reading how you put words together so musically."

"I must say you are an engaging writer. I so enjoyed reading your Blog and seeing the beautiful pictures. I love your inspiration, your spirit and your view...You guys are an inspiration and your children simply beautiful! I look forward to reading more."

"Your blog is beautiful and I loved the pictures. Congrats on doing something so inspiring and leaving a wonderful legacy for your children. They are also very blessed."

"Ok first I'm glad to be the first to comment. :) ...i think you are turning into my parents with this antiquing. I think they are cool folks either way."

And if you haven't already started your own Thank You Journal - consider picking up Deborah Norville's Thank You Power book - it was a gift from my best friend Dave - who I also bought the book for. I'm still going through the book - but I keep it on my nightstand - it's literally that good. I think we all know in the back of our minds how saying "thank you" is respectful, and being grateful makes us humble and real. But if you do this consistently with all the little things around you that put a smile on your face and keep them in a journal - you can literally bring, create if you will, bigger moments to be thankful for. Doesn't that sound powerful?

1 comment:

  1. Whether or not you have accepted it, you have a great gift. You are a wonderful writer.

    So, Zarlacht... take this moment (unless Noah is clinging for dear life to your leg screaming at the top of his lungs or Ava isn't standing on her new writer's chair dumping little containers of paint all over the floor) to sit back and accept the fact that you are a professional at this. You have already accomplished what you set out to do... and that is make a difference by sharing what and who you are.

    Now... keep doing it. And keep having fun.


Thanks for sharing - I will respond to your comment here as well so check back! xo


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