Last Thursday we met her teacher for the first time - {happy sigh} and she made me feel so much more at ease. The truth is {clearing my throat}, she's actually too great. She is so warm, sincerely empathetic, and has such a loving, nurturing presence about her. Her smile is a mile wide, and she emphasized how our communication and comfort is equally important. That night I shared with my Mom and sisters - my secret... {whispering I say, "Ava's teacher... is so awesome!"}.
Knowing this - put a huge smile on my face all day Friday - while getting ready for Ava's Happy Kindergarten dinner party with our families. My stomach still squirmed... now and then... I can just feel the clock ticking inside my heart...
But here's a snapshot of the party:

Using a lot of what we already had at home- decorating was easy... globes, easels, letter blocks spelling out words....
For the dessert table, I knew there would be little room after dinner, so I picked treats guests could take home with them in to-go boxes...

Since this was going to be family-style dining, the kids had their own table -

We set out crayons for them to draw on the table and filled containers I found in the school aisle at the dollar store with rainbow goldfish to snack on while they waited for dinner to be served...

Aaron made paper airplanes - which we hung off the chandelier {smiling}. The flower arrangement came from Whole Foods.

The serving table -

The cake table: school desk {flea market find}, homemade cake and microscope from the 1960s that belonged to Aaron's Dad....

Ava picked out her own cake flavors - she wanted buttercream cake with pink vanilla icing... And since purple is another favorite color, this miniature composition book from Party City and star candle were perfect!

We had dinner catered from Whole Foods {salmon, empanadas, artichoke-lemon fritters, pecan crusted salad} and Macaroni & Grill {Pasta Milano - Ava's favorite}.

Enjoyed great family/dinner conversation... the typical topics of what's in the news, corrupt politicians, the economic crisis... Oprah...

The kids did a craft activity too. They each had a pencil case they could personalize with stickers and then fill with pencils...

We sang "Happy Kinder-garten" to the tune of "Happy Birthday" - I didn't cry at all, which was surprising. I think I was caught in the moment of celebrating on this night and eating yummy cake, rather than really thinking about her starting school...

Lots of pictures... Proud Grandpa...

Proud Grandmas....

It was getting late - and although there was still so much to talk about, and comfort each other about- we all acknowledged... that Ava is ready. She handed out her party favors to everyone - these were made to order - candy red apples from Rocky Mountain - along with mini composition books.

For the kids, we had "paper lunch sacks" filled with school treats - erasers shaped like scissors, glue and stapler, mini paint set, a globe pencil sharpener, box of colored chalk, pencil tin case, large pencils, chocolates shaped like soccer/basket balls, and chocolate milk!

Ava was showered with gifts - her new backpack! {No. 5 from this post} along with other "school treats" from the family.

We were so honored to throw this celebration for her. So humbled by her thankfulness and of the time we've been blessed to have with each other and help her grow. Tomorrow - a whole new journey begins. Aaron has taken the day off from work - and the both of us will be crying. We will be smiling. We will be screaming with excitement and yet so bone-breaking confused - "are we doing the right thing?" We will hold her and walk her to class. We will kiss her a million times. And most definitely - we will make sure she knows, that we are ever so proud of our Ava...
Oh... the hyperventilating begins...
ah,your made me cry. I know how you feel. last year,I had such a mix feelings,worried,sad and happy the sametime.
ReplyDeleteEventhough it sounds good , Homeschooling won't teach her how to deal with the rest of the world.
Here is a Prayer On the First Day (and every day) of School for dear EVA and my girls.
Here we are again, Lord. Their backpacks are loaded
and their faces are scrubbed and their lunch accounts
are full.
And I know you'll walk with them, Lord. You always
do. But a mom still has to ask.
Will You walk with them? Will You whisper to them
what they need to hear, when I'm not there to whisper
Will You please, oh please, cover their school with
the protection only You can give, and will You keep
harm far away?
Will You make their minds strong and ready to learn?
Will You help them understand that hard work honors
the One who created them?
Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience
and wisdom and creativity and more patience? Will You
bless them for their efforts?
Will You love all those children there, the ones whose
lunch accounts aren't full, the ones who feel alone?
Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish
and to love those who are different from them?
Will You point them back toward home just as soon as
you can?
Lord, I give them to You today and everyday, trusting
them to Your care.
Oh my! CRYING SO MUCH right now too... I just finished putting Ava to bed. I got teary eyed in front of her - and she smiled and said, "Happy-Sad!" - After she fell asleep, I could feel waves of emotion pouring over me. Is this it? Is this all the time I had? Where did these 5 years go?
ReplyDeleteIs she ready? Am I ready? For her to learn oh so much - maybe even too much at times? Will I be constantly troubleshooting? Explaining why things are the way they are? Will I be able to tell her why someone doesn't want to be her friend?
Nadia jan - your thoughts and this amazing prayer couldn't have come to me at a better time. Thank you soo much! This is exactly how I am feeling - and praying for our children. For God to protect them, and send them back home as soon as possible. I love paragraph in this prayer - every word is so true and resonates deeply with me. I especially find comfort in asking if God "will help them understand that hard work honors the One who created them" - that is what gives me comfort in knowing that the decision to send her to school will be a good one. Or at least I pray that it is. And I pray even harder that if it isn't, to please let me know sooner rather than later :)
I love you Nadia jan - thank you soo much and good luck to you too as your beautiful girls embark on a new year too!
Happy birtday to Ava.
ReplyDeleteI thought tha she was older. Last year was the first year in the kindergarten to my girl.
This october she is turning 4, and in september she starts the second year at kinder.
Here a post how I felt last year about her (you can use translater)
Congratulations again to Ava. She is really tall and beautiful.
Congratulations Ava and best of luck with your school. Thinking and praying for you and Aaron today and a special prayer for Noah, too!
ReplyDeleteNadia Jan and Mrs. Bianca
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the kinds words and well wishes. The last few weeks have been somewhat of a roller coaster for us. This is one of those events that no amount of planning can prepare a parent for. Last night before Ava went to bed, i was talking to her about her starting school and how Zarlacht and I imagined this day in our heads even before she was born. How we knew this day would come eventually and how excited and proud we were of her. She smiled and told me that she was happy to be going to school, but she would miss us. That, of course, made me teary eyed - but i take comfort in knowing that she will, in fact miss us. This is just a small step for her in her journey in life.
This morning went pretty good all things considered! Noah was very supportive and gave her a kiss before he we left her room. As we were walking out she told Zarlacht and me that he already missed Ava and hoped she had a good trip 'alone'. But i told him that her trip wasn't alone and that we would be with her the whole way.
And in 5 hours, we will go back and pick her up.. and let her tell us about her day! I am so excited for her!
I honestly still can't believe this day has come for Ava! You and Aaron have done an amazing job raising her and I know she will just soar in school! So thankful that her teacher is wonderful and supportive, too. Much love and kisses to you all during this exciting time in your lives!