Noah? Are you asleep? Psst... wake up. You're not going to believe it, but there are giraffes over there... aren't those your favorite? Pssst....

Fine. Nevermind. I wish I could see it closer, I've always wanted to touch a zebra.

Ummmm... I don't know where I am or what a zebra is, but this is fun!

Ok kids. We're making a quick pit stop to the petting zoo.
Cool. Mom - I'll take this one.

I'll hold out for something better. Do I have to touch it?
Ava, we are at a petting zoo. Pet.
Here's a brush... Now you're technically not touching it...

Noey - weren't you scared of those goats?
Who, me? Nah...

Humzi - come with me - Noah thinks he's a wildlife expert now...
Wait! Wait for me! Buddy, she's probably taking you to go see butterflies.

So what'd you guys think? Nice huh? and worth the drive all the way out to Glen Rose...
Glen Rose - Are you kidding me? I'm ready to take on Africa.
Mom - do you see what I have to put up with?
Yes, we do Ava - and you're the luckiest big sister to have to protect him. So I guess that means you're going to Africa one day too...