social networking = social toddler

With an array of social networking we're into these days, its a wonder how we even have time to parent isn't it? But this is what keeps us together {not to mention sane} by having good organization and the support from our community of like-minded parents and friends. 

This area in particular interests me, because it wasn't too long into the summer when I realized what's been missing in Ava's routine. And after a little bit of networking, we now have weekly play dates with amazing friends! Looking back, I'm amazed at why I waited so long - because I can clearly see how beneficial play dates are for my toddlers. Making spontaneous new friends in outdoor play areas are great - but having a consistent "friend" that they come to cherish and look forward to - is another idea in itself - that is memorable.

So if you're like me, and you've been needing a good reason to schedule a play date - here's a good one: Social Toddler. Here you can find a playgroup near you - and if not, here's your chance to organize one, and make new friends.

Some background information about the site by Rich Rotzang from Social Toddler, Inc.

"Social Toddler is a website where parents can find events, activities, playgroups, and other things to do with their kids. 

The site offers a social networking platform where parents can find playgroups or start their own. Once you join a playgroup, you can plan playdates, share photos, have discussions and meet other parents.  The site features playgroups in almost every state and Canada.

For parents looking for other things to do in their area, you can also look up local events and activities. There are literally thousands of events listed on the site.

For those that want to catch up on some reading, the site also features great articles from some well known parenting experts in the areas of Nutrition, Safety, Communication, Travel, Sleep and Career advice."

Happy playing!


  1. Great site. Been on it a few times a week for the last month to find places to take our kids. I find kid friendly things in my neighborhood that i didn't even know existed. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the comment Matt! Isn't it refreshing to have all this information in one place? Have you joined a playgroup in your area - and if so, how has that worked out for you?


Thanks for sharing - I will respond to your comment here as well so check back! xo